Water- Watershed Association for Training Employment & Resource utilization

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About us

WATER (Watershed Association for Training Employment and Resource utilization), New Delhi ( Regd s 33251 nct Delhi, 1998) is an awareness-consulting-water scarcity based nonprofit organization for spreading the message ‘Global Green Vision for Local Action’ spearheaded by specialists &experts-scientist.

WATER is primarily concerned how best the Civil Society Organization can help in tackling the burning problems of Increasing Water Scarcity+ Sanitary problem in Populated areas like Urban Slums’ to meet the immediate Challenges of Water & Food which are making a major concern to both the understanding and the management response to the livelihood and water brought into focus by catastrophic health and livelihood related after effects of Corona Virus Pandemic.


The world is experiencing an unprecedented environmental crisis of water scarcity, social unrest, climate change, covid 19 pandemic coupled with the problem of inequality of various sorts. 80% of the world’s resources and wealth is controlled by 600 individuals resulting in severe inequality to society due to aggressive nature of business ethics majority of the planet earth goes to bed hungry. WATER is striving to create awareness and understanding of heterogeneous rural society and urban clusters for meaningful implementation of key initiatives propagated by national and international research and developmental organizations on water scarcity, Climate Change adaptation vis a vis livelihood, water management for agriculture’, and meet the Challenges to the livelihood and water crisis as it relates to agriculture, health .

Influenced by food, livelihood and environmental degradation under irrigated/drought and water scarcity condition WATER is concerned with the overarching developmental and research question for India : how can we grow more food and sustain rural livelihoods with less water in a manner that is socially acceptable and environmentally sustainable. How can civil society movement and partnership with Government program alleviate the above concern

Our Aims

WATER seeks to enable various stake holders like smaller NGOs, Project Implementing Agencies, Water Users Associations (WUAs), Self Help Groups (SHGs), User Groups (UGs), Fishery Interest Groups (FIGs), Small and Micro Enterprises (SMEs), Start Ups and enterprising individual with ambition to realize vision of Green Society of self sufficient entity into a reality through real time networking. The idea is to help in solving the problem of food, livelihood, health and education of the area/watershed concerned with the assistance of the ongoing programmes/schemes of Governments/Donor Agencies and gradually make the society a sustainable on scientific line with active actions and hard work, help and assistance by the people themselves.

Objectives: WATER is striving for holistic development along with:

  • Creation of compassion and fellow feelings, skill and leadership quality, initiative for taking up sustainable independent livelihoods enterprise with local resources

  • Water scarcity management with appropriate farming system suited for the farmer and his small land holding.

  • Stop Land degradation: Promote small area based resources development under with emphasis on soil and water management on scientific line (based on WATER BUDGETING) with the assistance of the Thrift Groups (WUAs, FIGs, Self Help Groups/User Groups).

  • Water management: Making water secure villages as a first step for rural rejuvenation /industrialization taking into assistance of the Startup/SME subsidy of Government.

  • Poverty alleviation: Emphasis on livelihood/employment generation especially in the low productive/high potential backwards states to stop migration of able bodied persons from villages

  • Productivity and Skill Up gradation: Skill; development and improvement of existing knowledge of farmers and villagers and artisan.

  • Equity: income generation through “Auto Functional Concept of sharing of endeavours and fruits of labour as per principle of think globally and act Locally for a green society.

  • It promotes market oriented enterprises development by promoting bio regenerating/organic & Vedic/natural agriculture for resource conservation and its sustainable use.

  • Reduction of poverty by focusing on alternate use of existing resources with gradual technical & commercial management by small village based CVOs with locally available products and resources for livelihood development.



Over the years WATER had been working in the field of literacy/health/women and child development/urban poverty alleviation programs/Bhagidari Activities on watershed approach with women and gender positive activities, technology transfer on environment /agriculture/agro forestry/ horticulture/agro processing/ animal husbandry/fisheries and value chain for marketing for better price to producers . It has taken up large scale soil and water conservation/ water harvesting and utilization/supplemental irrigation & watershed development, organic farming in Haryana, MP, Jharkhand/Bihar and West Bengal over the last 25 years.