Achievements 2003 t0 2022
Project No.1 (2003-06) CAPART/Ministry of Rural development funded “Organisation of Beneficiaries at Nuh, MEWAT, Haryana” .
Project No.2 (2007-10) DOLR Funded Technology Extension and demonstration “Demonstration, extension and training of water management technology (TOT) for productivity improvement and economic sustainability of aqua-terrestrial farming system on wastelands under humid areas of West Bengal”.Burdwan West Bengal, funded by DOLR, Ministry of Rural Development, GOI.
Project No.3 (2008-10) Water Management, More Crop per Drop, Farmers Participatory Action Research Program (FPARP), Funded by Min. Water Resources, GOI at JHARKHAND at 7 districts of Jharkhand (2007-2010).
Project No.4 (2009-13). Supporting Organisation to IARI, PUSA New Delhi in Climate Change Adaptation Project (World Bank-GEF funded US$ 2.45 Million) Haryana, MEWAT, Nuh, named ‘Strategies to Enhance Climate Change adaption in Adverse Region’( 2009-14)”
Project No.5 (20010-16). Integrated Rice-based Farming System with Water Management Technologies: Ahilyapur, Gande Block, Giridih, Jharkhand .
During 2010-13, Kharif Bajra (composite 443, HY-23 etc) along with local varieties were demonstrated but due to heavy rain ( Climate Change- Rainfall change) the selected Bajra varieties did not perform well as compared to farmers varieties. During rabi 2010-13, Wheat (10 quintals each of 3 varieties Cv Wr 544, HD 2932, HD 2285) and Mustard (50 kg each of Cv Pusa-Agranee/Tarak/Barani/Mahak) were distributed to farmers as per detailed study/survey in all the villages Recommended package of practices were followed and all relevant data collected for analysis and the wheat-Mustard performed very promisingly with higher yield and better grain quality
Required technical/scientific assistance, materials, equipments / scientific instruments were purchased for field experiments and provided to field staff under the supervision of scientific staff (IARI divisional scientists)for drought proofing, demonstration, water management plans, preparation/survey materials for training, documentation etc. (documentation materials, PC, LCD, printer, charger etc.), and creating infrastructural facilities and some other misc. items related to this project accounted for better and quality works for timely implementation and smooth running of the project successfully took a long time .
Project No.6 Completed Projects, 2011-20
WATER has taken up Pre Project Activity in the district of Birbhum and West Medinipur during 2011-12. As a result of this WATER has been declared as Project Implementing Agency by the DRDA/ WBSWDA vide Govt of West Bengal Order dated 05.06.2012 issued by WBSWDA, writers Building, Kolkata (Table bellow).
District wise number of watershed projects identified for development under IWMP during 2011-12 as given to WATER
District Name
Watershed Cell cum Data Centre (WCDC)
Project Implementtog Agency (PIA)
No. water-sheds
Watershed & (Block Name)
S N of the Project in PPR
Total geogra-phical area
(in Ha.)
Effective Project Area
(in Ha.)
Estimated Project Cost
Rs Lakh
Paschim Medinipur
DRDC, Paschim Medinipur
President, Watershed Association for Training Employment & Resource utilisation (WATER)
Bhaluka (Jamboni)
IWMP-15 / 2011-12
Laboni (Binpur-II)
IWMP-16 / 2011-12
Dakai (Binpur-II)
IWMP-17 / 2011-12
District Rural Development Cell (DRDC),
President, Watershed Association for Training Employment & Resource utilisation (WATER)
Ajay Illambazar (Illambazar)
IWMP-4 / 2011-12
Achievements / Findings:
WATER had completed all the various Preparatory phase Project Activity as per Annual Action Plan and hired WDTs 4 in all of the 4 IWMP project as per GOWB rules and trained them
WDT were trained and utilized for all the IWMP related activities in collaboration with Village Committee (Gram Sabha), Panchayat Samities and Block/ District Rural Development Agency.
WATER had completed the Entry Point Activities (EPA) in all the villages totaling 122 nos after awareness programme and approval by Gram Sabha and Block (BDO)/ Panchayats and Watershed cum Development Cell(WCDC) at the DRDA at district.
WATER ha taken up adequate Instituitional and Capacity Building programme after due awareness and capacity building activities for WDTs, GP members, WC members, SHG and UGs, villagers and landless and marginal farmers.
WATER had completed all the 4 Detailed Project Report itself with marginal assistance from Experts hired by WATER.
WATER had completed all the NRM activities as per fund released by WCDC/WBSWDA Kolkata and completed all the r work phase activities for which the Watershed Committees and Watershed Associations, SHG and UG groups were actively involved
WATER had successfully completed all the MELD (Monitoring Evaluation Learning and Documentation ) activities in all the 4 micro watershed IWMP04/BIRBHUM, IWMP14 BHALUKA/IWMP15 LABONI & IWMP 16 DAKAI in the Jhargram district at Jambini and Binpur II bnlocks during 2011-19.
WATER formed 4 Watershed Committees in IWMP04 Illambazar, Birbhum and all the NRM Production System, Micro enterprise ( PSME) and livelihoods development for farmers and land less people under Livelihood System under works acytivities were completed . WHT constructions Renovations etc were done as per guidelines of IWMP by the WC/SHG/UGs and 24 WHT were constructed with the provision of Fishery and other aquatic activities. They had been handed over to beneficiaries for livelihoods.
Project No.6 Completed Projects, 2011-20
WATER has taken up Pre Project Activity in the district of Birbhum and West Medinipur during 2011-12. As a result of this WATER has been declared as Project Implementing Agency by the DRDA/ WBSWDA vide Govt of West Bengal Order dated 05.06.2012 issued by WBSWDA, writers Building, Kolkata (Table bellow).
District wise number of watershed projects identified for development under IWMP during 2011-12 as given to WATER
District Name
Watershed Cell cum Data Centre (WCDC)
Project Implementtog Agency (PIA)
No. water-sheds
Watershed & (Block Name)
S N of the Project in PPR
Total geogra-phical area
(in Ha.)
Effective Project Area
(in Ha.)
Estimated Project Cost
Rs Lakh
Paschim Medinipur
DRDC, Paschim Medinipur
President, Watershed Association for Training Employment & Resource utilisation (WATER)
Bhaluka (Jamboni)
IWMP-15 / 2011-12
Laboni (Binpur-II)
IWMP-16 / 2011-12
Dakai (Binpur-II)
IWMP-17 / 2011-12
District Rural Development Cell (DRDC),
President, Watershed Association for Training Employment & Resource utilisation (WATER)
Ajay Illambazar (Illambazar)
IWMP-4 / 2011-12
Achievements / Findings:
WATER had completed all the various Preparatory phase Project Activity as per Annual Action Plan and hired WDTs 4 in all of the 4 IWMP project as per GOWB rules and trained them
WDT were trained and utilized for all the IWMP related activities in collaboration with Village Committee (Gram Sabha), Panchayat Samities and Block/ District Rural Development Agency.
WATER had completed the Entry Point Activities (EPA) in all the villages totaling 122 nos after awareness programme and approval by Gram Sabha and Block (BDO)/ Panchayats and Watershed cum Development Cell(WCDC) at the DRDA at district.
WATER ha taken up adequate Instituitional and Capacity Building programme after due awareness and capacity building activities for WDTs, GP members, WC members, SHG and UGs, villagers and landless and marginal farmers.
WATER had completed all the 4 Detailed Project Report itself with marginal assistance from Experts hired by WATER.
WATER had completed all the NRM activities as per fund released by WCDC/WBSWDA Kolkata and completed all the r work phase activities for which the Watershed Committees and Watershed Associations, SHG and UG groups were actively involved
WATER had successfully completed all the MELD (Monitoring Evaluation Learning and Documentation ) activities in all the 4 micro watershed IWMP04/BIRBHUM, IWMP14 BHALUKA/IWMP15 LABONI & IWMP 16 DAKAI in the Jhargram district at Jambini and Binpur II bnlocks during 2011-19.
WATER formed 4 Watershed Committees in IWMP04 Illambazar, Birbhum and all the NRM Production System, Micro enterprise ( PSME) and livelihoods development for farmers and land less people under Livelihood System under works acytivities were completed . WHT constructions Renovations etc were done as per guidelines of IWMP by the WC/SHG/UGs and 24 WHT were constructed with the provision of Fishery and other aquatic activities. They had been handed over to beneficiaries for livelihoods.
Similarly another 12 Watershed Committees, WC in IWMP 14/15/16 in the disturbed left extremist dominated areas of Jhargram( erst while Paschim Medinipur were formed registered with Societies act and trained them for taking up watershed related community development works. all the NRM works like WHT constructions renovations etc were by the WC/SHG/UGs and more than 128 WHT were constructed with the provision of Fishery and other aquatic activities. They had been handed over to beneficiaries for livelihoods.
Closure protocol as per DOLR prescribed lengthy and tedious format and forms were completed in all the 4 Watersheds and 16 micro watershed successfully.
Assets created during this 10 years period are being handed over to WCs and beneficiaries including all the account operating power for WDF( Watershed Development Fund) amounting to 10-15 lakhs are being handed over.
There had been significant reduction in seasonal and yearly migration from the villages. a significant nos of tribal daily wage earners had returned to home villages and taken up farming and other livelihoods.
There had been significant rise in nos of able bodied Male members in the tribal/SC families due to increased resource availability and change in attitude,skill and behavior of residents.
The nos of extreme vulnerable people in the villages had been drastically reduced and rehabilited indirectly by watershed works.
There had been significant rise in infra structure development, communication etc due to dedicated works of WATER staffs and groups and Govt staff are now visiting villages with many schemes and assistance.
Consultancy Services as Support Organization (SO) on output basis (OB) for Water User Association (WUA) development and New Minor Irrigation Scheme Identification to SDMP preparation, WUA formation in different Blocks of Nadia, Burdwan, Malda District under District Project Management Unit (DPMU) of West Bengal Accelerated Development of Minor Irrigation Project (WBADMIP) funded by World Bank.
The Government of WB secured a loan and a credit from the international Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and the International Development Association (IDA) for implementation of West Bengal Accelerated Development of Minor Irrigation (WBADMI) Project across the State of West Bengal under the Department of Water Resources Investigation and Development (DWRID), GoWB. The WBADMI Project (US$ 300 Million) was started in the year 2012 as per approval G.O. No. 1241/WI/P/ADMI-05/2011/Pt.1 dated 30th May, 2011 as an externally aided project obtaining Loan & Credit of US $ 250 million from IDA and IBRD and State share of US $ 50 Million.
The Project was closed by World Bank on 19th Dec, 2019. But, Project has already been extended under WB State Govt. Funding as per World Bank Procurement Procedures/Norms. Out of 4 Project Components A,B,C&D as per Project Appraisal Document (PAD), (A-Strengthening Community Based Institution, B- Irrigation System Development &Improvement, C- Agricultural Support Services Component& D-Project Management and Institutional Development). Under the components A, the Project was outsourced to the services of NGOs including WATER ( as per needs of the project.
Project Objectives:
To enhance agricultural production of small and marginal farmers in the project area through accelerated development of minor irrigation schemes by strengthening community-based irrigation management and by Agriculture, Horticulture and Fishery related development using new technologies and improved production practices to improve rural livelihoods within the project area.
Achievements upto 2019 :
[During the 7 years of project period, so far 2300 minor irrigation sub projects (out of 2400) of different types of MI schemes with command area varying from 5 to 50 Ha had been constructed to irrigate a total command area of about 36,500 ha, covering all the districts (23) of the state
The Objectives of the Consultancy Services:
The followings are the broad outlined activities of the consultancy services from WATER NGO as Support Organization(SO) on Output Basis:-
Base line survey, Need of EPA if any, Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) & Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) & Identification of Potential micro-watersheds/ Individual Schemes. Formation & Nurturing of Water Users Associations (WUA) and FPO/FPG (as and when required), Orientation of WUA on land & water development plan preparation and Capacity Building of WUA for sustainable operation, maintenance and management of MI Schemes& helping with the field data in preparation of SDMP (Scheme Dev. Management Plan) by DPMU.
Implementation of Crop Planning, Land & Soil conservation by plantation, promoting horticulture, waste land intervention and fishery related activities as per instruction from DPMU.
Conducting Training program of key functionaries of WUA, WUA& it’s beneficiaries on implementation of various project activities with the help of DPMU.
Base line data & other data uploading in the MIS.
Different types of reporting according to Project needs.
Duration of the Consultancy Services of SO/SP on output basis:
Up to December, 2022 or till the end of the Project Period whichever is earlier.
These schemes were executed either in micro-watershed (mws) approach or isolated minor irrigation scheme approach in the blocks of different districts (predominantly in tribal / backward class dominated rain-fed/ single cropped area) where cropping intensity was less than 100%.]
The NGO WATER had been actively involved since mar 2022, in the project through participatory approach by building rapport amongst the beneficiary communities organized as WUAs within the villages (Micro Watershed (mws) / individual M.I. Scheme).
WATER had nurtured the community based organizations through various capacity building support and towards resolving the farmers’ issues at grass root level.
WATER had build a strong base for enhancing project reach amongst the beneficiaries
Sl No
Achievement till previous quarter (cumulative)
During the year ( block wise scheme type wise)
No of schemes submitted to DPMU with all requisite documents
Total estimated command area of submitted WHT schemes in Ha
472.48 Ha
Habibpur-1.73 ha.
Bamangola-1.2 ha.
Gazole-0.44 ha.
Feasibility checking done (by DPMU) to number of schemes against 1.1.
No of schemes rejected by DPMU after feasibility checking.
No of schemes approved by SPMU
No of schemes approved but work not started
No of schemes approved & Work started
No of schemes works completed but not HO to WUA
No of schemes works completed and HO to WUA